Pinehurst Medical Clinic supports enhanced-access physician-patient interactions, including virtual visits, which occur over safe, and secure communication systems. Virtual visits include audio-only (phone), video, and online digital visits with your provider. A smartphone, tablet, or computer and stable internet access is required for video and online digital appointments. Audio only may be a better option when access is limited to technology devices.
Several Pinehurst Medical Clinic providers offer virtual visits as a way to care for patients without seeing them in person. Virtual visits are a convenient way to see a provider when you cannot get to the office, are sick and cannot come into the office, or when you prefer to see a doctor from the comfort of your home. Through virtual visits, providers can conduct physical exams, order labs and tests, manage prescriptions, provide advice, and remotely monitor chronic conditions.
Virtual visits provide the same level of high-quality, patient-centered care as in-person visits. All laws about the privacy of your health information and medical records apply to virtual visits. These laws also apply to the video, photo, and audio files that are made and stored.
Virtual visits don’t work for everyone. Not all conditions can be treated properly through a virtual visit. As a team, you and your provider must decide if a virtual visit is right for you. To view the full Terms & Conditions for PMC Virtual Visits, click the teal box below.
Please view the instructions below for providers utilizing the platform Quliq to conduct virtual visits.