November 27th, 2024

By: Becky O’Dell, LCMHC
A digital detox is taking a break from social media and electronic devices for a period of time. This can be a few hours, a few days or a month. Research has found that a digital detox often helps improve your sleep, relationships and mood. The goal is to have space to be fully present in your life!
If you notice feeling any of these, could be a sign to start a detox.
- Increased irritability, frustration or anger.
- Feeling insecure.
- Comparison trap
- Loss of sleep or interrupted sleep.
- Fear of missing out
- Feeling obligated to consume, respond, react or check-in.
- depressed mood
How to do a Digital Detox:
1. Find the facts. What is your average usage time on a daily or weekly basis?
2. Make a specific goal. For example, limit social media to 20 minutes in the evening and only scroll through the news for 15 minutes in the morning with a cup of coffee, take breaks every day from 12-2:00 and have no phone/screen areas. Choose to write a note or send a card in replace of texting or posting. Writing connects your brain to your hand and your heart.
3. Plan to commit to your goal for 2 weeks.
4. Set up support. It can be helpful to have encouragement from a trusted friend or partner.
5. Check in with yourself, notice your thoughts, and name your feelings as you make progress and have less time with electronic devices and social media.
6. Determine if this is something to implement long-term, every season, monthly, or whatever is healthy for you.
Benefits of a Digital Detox:
1. Sharper focus and more productive
2. Decreased Stress
3. Improved social interactions
4. Improved time management
5. Being in the present moment