Pinehurst Medical Clinic is altering the previously issued mask required policy to a mask optional policy given the reduced threat of COVID-19 in the organizations primary service areas.
Pinehurst Medical Clinic will no longer require face coverings in most settings, and masks will be optional for all non-symptomatic employees, patients, and visitors.
However, due to the nature of cases and vulnerabilities of patients seen at Walk-In Clinics, face coverings will still be required in these settings.
Individuals that are experiencing respiratory illness or COVID-19 symptoms will be required to wear a face covering to protect others while inside PMC facilities.
If a patient is experiencing respiratory illness or COVID-19 symptoms follow the procedure outlined below:
Notify the patient of the requirement at the time the appointment is booked and upon the appointment reminder.
- Patients may wear a mask from home.
- If patient presents without a face covering, a surgical mask will be provided for them.
- If patient does not agree to wear a mask, the appointment may not proceed as planned. Explain to the patient that the appointment will be rescheduled.
- Reschedule the appointment for a virtual visit
- If lab only, patient may be redirected to the Pinehurst or Sanford virtual care clinic lab draw location. Appointment will need to be provided.
In addition, to the above guidance, if a patient has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 10 days, the appointment will need to be rescheduled.
Pinehurst Medical Clinic reserves the right to change this policy based upon the guidance of licensed medical providers, as well as any available local, State, and Federal guidance.